Are Cybernetic Organisms The Future?

Abhishek Shah
4 min readNov 29, 2021


Okay, So for those wondering, What’s A Cybernetic Organism?

A Biological Organism, When Enhanced Using External Mechanical Parts And Given The Will To Control It Cybernetically Or Through Brain, That Organism Technically Becomes Cybernetic.

Johansson as Major in Rupert Saunders’ new film, “Ghost In The Shell”, Posing As A Cyborg. | Paramount.

So, Before 1960, The term, “Cyborg” was not even coined. And in the same year, Manfried Clynes, for his paper for Nasa coined the term, “Cyborg”, referring to biological organisms enhanced to survive the hostile environment of space.

The term has been derived so many times and in many diverse ways since then. For the present instance, it’s easier to understand that, “any biological organism, enhanced using any technological capability to overcome any of its disability is somehow a Cyborg”.

Fiction Concepts :

  1. “ Alita-The Battle Angel”.
Poster: Alita Battle Angel | 20th Century Studios.

The movie clearly shows a genetically enhanced cyborg made by URM( United Republic of Mars ), Referred sometimes as “ № 9” or “Alita”. This cyborg was of a Replacement type, so it had an entire exoskeleton body and a biological brain embedded in it. And once the body is damaged during any battle or war, and if the brain was intact, A entire new exoskeleton could be done as a replacement.

2. “Elysium”.

Poster: Elysium | Images Not owned

The movie depicts the main lead “Max”, who is fused with a complete exoskeleton that could be operated and controlled through a neural link connected to the brain via surgery and the suit can be worn during battle times to deal heavy damage.

3. “Ghost In The Shell”.

Poster: Ghost In The Shell. | Image(s) Not Owned.

The movie depicts a character, “ Major” whose entire biological body is damaged during a war and only the brain survives. So, A Company decides to use its brain to create the first of its kind, Cyborg by infusing her brain into a body with a cybernetically enhanced structure and parts and skin that recepts to sensation the same way as biological skin.

There Are So Many Other Movies Depicting This Concept Well Enough & If You’re Curious Enough, You May Go And Watch Them For A Visual Concept On Cyborg.
“Outside The Wire”, “Terminator-Series” etc.

Reality Advancements :

  1. Experiments on merging various parts of the human body to strategically remove any disability like Amputated Limbs to be able to walk again and use hands again has now started becoming common around people.
Image: Man Using A Bionic Arm For Amputated Hand. | Image(s) Not Owned.

2. Artificial Integration Of Body Parts Designed In Lab, Can Now Help People To Live Better Lives.

Creator: Ociacia | Credit: Getty Images/iStockphoto | Copyright: Vladyslav Otsiatsia

3. Brain Can Be Subjected To Diodes That Can Read Neural Activity, Convert Into Digital Instructions & Use It As A Control Data For Various Machines.

Image: Diode Placed Over Brain To Read Neural Activity | Image Not Owned.

4. Exoskeletons Development Has Been Around For Quite A Long Time And Has Huge Military And Work Applications And Is Slowly Being Quite Popular.

Image: Capio Exoskeleton | Image Not Owned.

Summing Up :

So, It’s not going to come as a shock, if someday we see persons with enhanced limbs or body parts walking along the streets since, “Evolution For Living A Better Life” is the only code Human abides through. But it’s not going to be a sudden change.

An Entire Cyborg is still around a decade or farther than that for Humanity, Yet our Advancements have raised more than just questions, whether it is ethical or not. Since, it’s going to be a completely new Race Of Humans who are Better, Smart, More Capable than the present-day humans posing an inferior to superior threat and causing a distinction of power.

It’s a win-and-lose situation and needs to be implemented with ethics that can sustain development rather than posing threat to Humanity.

So, it’s right to Say that, Cybernetic organisms are the future of Humanity, Yet only if Human(s) understand the threats that may come with it and a solution smart enough to sustain Just Development and Not a Global Catastrophe.

Details :

Date: 29th November 2021
Abhishek Shah.
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Abhishek Shah

AI Enthusiast | Cybernetics Learner | Developer | Content Writer | Coder | Graphics Designer | Computer Engineer.